Konferencer og seminarer
Grammatik i skolen
NB Arrangementet er desværre aflyst
I grammatikundervisningen lærer vi at bruge de rigtige endelser og at sætte kommaer korrekt. Men grammatik er også et kommunikativt greb, hvor de valgte endelser og satte kommaer er med til at skabe betydning i den givne tekst.
Den 28. november handler det om grammatikundervisning i skolen.
Nationalt Videncenter for Læsning får besøg af den australske seniorforsker Mary Macken-Horarik. Hun vil præsentere et fireårigt projekt med fokus på udfordringer ved enhver grammatik, hvis sigte er at være egnet til L1-undervisning (L1-undervisning vil sige danskfaget i Danmark, engelskfaget i England osv.).
Mary Macken-Horarik har fokus på narrativ respons og tekstrespons med dataeksempler fra lærere og elever, herunder interviews, skrivning og multimodale tekster.
Hendes forskning viser, hvordan lærere tager udfordringerne op med at undervise i grammatik, og hvilke forandringer de observerede i projektforløbet. Endvidere diskuterer hun behovet for en grammatik, der er relevant for faglige udvikling i L1, og som både kan understøtte elevers betydningsskabelse og anvendes i forskellige tekster, modaliteter og kontekster.
Kl.10.00 Registrering, kaffe og croissant
KL. 10.30 -12.00 A grammatics 'good enough' for L1 teaching in the 21st century: challenges in realising the potential'?
v/ Mary Macken-Horarik,
Mary Macken-Horarik will present a four year project, focusing at the challenges of any grammatics that aims to be adequate for L1 teaching. She will focus particularly on narrative and text response, and present teacher and student data - interviews, writing, and multimodal texts - to show how teachers took up the challenges and the kinds of changes that they observed in the course of the project. She will further explore the need for a grammatics that is relevant to disciplinary practices in L1, part of a coherent model of language, supportive of student meaning making and portable in application to different texts, modes and contexts.
About Mary Macken-Horarik:
Mary Macken-Horarik is a senior research fellow in educational semiotics within the Learning Sciences Institute, Australia (LSIA) at the Australian Catholic University. Her research spans literacy education, systemic functional grammatics, reading pedagogy, critical discourse analysis and multimodality. In recent years she has completed a large research project investigating the nature of a grammatics ‘good enough’ for school English and is lead author of a book based on this project. Soon to be published by Routledge, the book is called Functional Grammatics: Re-conceptualizing knowledge about language and image for school English and is co-authored with Krisitna Love, Carmel Sandiford and Len Unsworth. Mary has now turned her hand to completion of a book about social semiotics and subject English.